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SVS Prompt for Dec 2023: Rock Fortress

 Hello all,      This month I decided to make a piece for the SVS prompt: Rock Fortress. This is for the How to Fix Your Art livestreams they do every month, where they pick a few pieces for which to do an in-depth critique. Whether or not my piece is picked though, having a monthly prompt helps motivate me to finish a piece, and hopefully it will help me build a habit of finishing pieces consistently.      Here is my submission for the month:      I'm really proud of it because it made me really think about planning the piece in advance since there are so many elements and they all need details and atmosphere added to them.      I created the final piece in Procreate on the iPad, but I started brainstorming on paper.      My first thought was just to start drawing rocks of different shapes and sizes to see what was interesting. After I know what is interesting about a drawing subject, it's easier for me to plan a story for that thing.      I looked at a good deal of reference

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